Thursday, January 21, 2010

I can't believe it's not butter.

I can't believe I'm 6 courses away from graduating. That's 2 easy semesters and at least 3 interesting courses (embedded systems, real-time systems and distributed systems)! Totally doable assuming I don't fail 307 which I hear is brutal. I've been dreading and delaying that course for ages now, but it seems like it's time to confront it.
So now what? Am I ready to face the sharks of the industry? Wear a suit and a tie every day and talk about TPS reports and unparallelized code?
Absolutely! I'm going to do my best to get a RIM co-op (not a RIM job!), cause I only hear good things about them.
Speaking of butter, I hate it. Did you get to see Julie and Julia? Not a bad movie, especially for someone like me who's never heard of Julia Child before. I feel like it filled a huge hole in my education. Only beef (pun!) I have with that movie is that it encourages people to throw even more butter into their cooking.
Butter is not any healthier than margarine, trust me, and it's infinitely more disgusting. Infinitely, that's not a sum to be taken lightly.
What else...
Just completed BOL I, the pre-coop-work-on-your-resume-and-cover-letter mandatory workshop thing on WebCT.
It was kinda fun. All I did was practice my technical writing skills in ongoing forum discussions and got more experience in self restraint when some students wrote about their desire for more "piratical" classes that would prepare them to "piratical" situations.
Come to think of it, I don't remember if ended up commenting or not. Let me check... I believe i pressed cancel... damnit. I did press submit on this:
I definitely agree that the University should have more pirate classes. One never knows when one might encounter a piratical situation in which such skills would certainly be handy ;)

So much for self restraint.

On a side-note, turns out Jared Leto has a band. Who knew.
I just saw the video for Kings and Queens and I must say, against all my better judgement, I actually like this band. There's something very moving about a bunch of misfit weirdos commiting suicide by urban cycling to the sounds of an epic orchestra, riding together against a city that does not recognize them.

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