Tuesday, March 16, 2010


It is ironic that for someone with a blog title such as my own I preach nothing but separatism.
Steve disappeared on friday after delegating tasks and taking it upon himself to write the unit test functions for our iPhone application project.
By "disappeared", I mean he didn't answer his emails or return his calls for 4 days.
20 minutes before the presentation was due he emailed us saying he had a fever of a 104. Evidently we didn't get the memo. 4 days without communication, and that's the best he can come up with. Good one, Steve.
How much is a 104 in celsius anyways? I don't speak this savage tongue.
40 degrees? Highly unlikely.
Still no excuse for not contacting us about it earlier. 4 days without communication just before a huge deadline. How irresponsible.
I guess the instructor got hold of him and gave him a scare.

Useless group member number 5 was tasked with doing the project metrics because he didn't want to particpate in the presentation and we were busy setting it up. Metrics being: counting files, lines, file size, etc. Things a script should do, and would do (had anyone written it), and anyone who can read and write can do.
He emailed back saying he's not sure what he's supposed to do.

Here's how our QA doc defines metrics :

Number of classes in the application module / phase
Number of pages in webpage / phase
Total number of lines in all classes / phase
Total application size (of all files in kb) / phase
I refuse to believe he's that stupid, and that he really doesn't understand what this asks of him.

What kind of a douchebag do you have to be to try to get away from doing something this simple, while all your teammates (well, at least 2 of them) are spending their days and nights doing everything else.

Really, I have an interview tomorrow and I would probably be asked, yet again, about a project I'm working on, conflicts with team members, and how I've resolved them.

I'm starting to think team conflicts only get resolved in fairytales and "stories" for job interviews.

What a total waste of time.
On the bright side of things, I have come to re-appreciate organized code, timely schedules, svn clients that work (not xcode), team members who pull their own weight (a fairytale -- but what can I say, I'm a dreamer), and integration testing.

For the next phase, I think half the allocated time should be for integration testing. I think that's a good strategy with a weak team. Better to produce less, but have it proven, tested, and working.

One more time for posterity: FUCK YOU, STEVE.

Oh that felt god.

And now to prepare for tomorrow's interview...

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